
Eq spells
Eq spells

I don't get it, all passive points invested in spell/aether/occult dmg, same with eq and then WoB deals more dmg than IB, how.? How exactly does spell damage work with DoTs? Leave a Reply.

eq spells

If you see something that is inaccurate or can be improved, don't ask that it be fixed-just improve it. After first success, you no longer need to drag the ingredients one by one.This is a wiki for a reason. I hope you figured out the whole 'Experiment' vs using memorized recipes thing. or just click your chat bar and type in 'supplies' directly.Īlso, tradeskilling itself. So if you need more stuff, target the NPC and either scroll to where you got your quest and click the highlighted 'supplies' there. If you run out of initial supplies, and come back and hail NPC again, she follows with normal dialogue until 'ready to start', but if you click that, you get 'You already have a task from me'. Cause she will only top your supply to 20 each (if you still got 5 of each left and say 'supplies', you get 15 more of each), so you can't really load up on 100+ of each component. If you click 'supplies' now, NPC says ' here's some more', but you get nothing. When you initially click the 'ready to start' for brewing, you are given 20 of each component, and she says a phrase with word 'supplies' highlighted. The tradeskill quests in CR, I am afraid, are somewhat counter-intuitive. In later added content, like Crescent Reach, when you hail an NPC, their dialog may contain highlighted words, and you can just click those words to form proper responses. Many old world NPCs/quests are still like that. Just plain text that you read and tried to figure out a proper response. Talking to NPCs - in days of yore, NPCs had no highlighted keywords. At higher levels, we get more spells slots to play with - cause we have a LOT more spells! Also, there are 'Unity' type spells that combine several spells in one, and Alternate Abilities which allow to cast specific spells without having them memorized. What do you always keep ready to go, what can be relegated to 'swap slots'. Managing your memorized spells has always been part of mastering EQ. Yellow = cast on you, red - cast on single target, purple - cast on your group, dark blue - Area Effect cast around you, etc. So if you want to memorize your highest-level poison DOT, you just choose the top spell in that category. In that sub-category, your existing spells will be arranged by level, higher level ones on top. 'Damage over Time'(DOT) might have "Disease", "Poison", "Magic". Heals) Many menu categories will have sub-categories. While still holding right mouse button, move cursor over the category from which you want to load. If you right-click and hold an empty spell gem, it should show a drop-down menu showing various spell types. Right-click and hold a filled spell gem to bring up info window for that spell. If you just right-click a spell gem, you forget that spell, freeing the gem for something else. Spells: you really do not need to open your spell book any more - except maybe to read in detail on a spell you just scribed. I like to add command lines like /hidecorpse npc or /autoinventory to my hotkeys to keep things clean. The multiple lines of /cast # help work through fizzles. You can do this for all your spells if you want or cast things directly with ALT + # etc. Now, when you press that hotkey via your mouse or keystroke command (i personally don't use the mouse very much to play this game, just to set up things for keyboard use) your character will attempt to cast whatever spell is number one on your spell bar. (or get rid of it by right-clicking it to any blank space on your UI)

eq spells

Now move that hotkey to any blank space on a hotbar by right-clicking it into place. Right-click and hold on that hotkey until it appears on your cursor. Your newly made hotkey will now appear in the space where the blank social key was. There are five text boxes in which to type commands. Type in a name and choose a color for the upper-left most box.

eq spells

Pages 2-10 of this tab are empty social hotkeys.

Eq spells